Keywords: personnel, development, management, resources, development management


The article is devoted to topical issues of the role of personnel in the process of enterprise development management. It analyses the structure and average dynamics of employees of the enterprise. The financial results of the joint stock company for the last three years are given. Personnel of the enterprise is a set of employees of different professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its accounting staff. The accounting staff includes all employees hired for work related to both its main and non-main activities. Labor resources (personnel) of the enterprise are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of which largely determine the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness. Labor resources set in motion the material elements of production, create a product, value and additional product in the form of profit. Today's changes in the Ukrainian economy lead to modifications in the operating systems of domestic enterprises. A new concept of personnel management, the transition from classical stability to flexibility to ensure long-term effective activity is becoming increasingly important. Enterprise development management combines various areas of its activity, first of all: management system, personnel management strategy, planning and analysis, accounting and control, necessary methods and models to ensure sustainable growth of production and economic activity. The company's expenditures on education and training of young, energetic and talented subordinates are one of the powerful incentives to improve the efficiency of staff, which pay off many times in the future. Very often, with the same production potential and resource capabilities, enterprises demonstrate radically different results of their activities. To avoid such situations, the management must be able to manage its own potential, that is, to be able to competently and effectively establish the mechanism of enterprise management. The guarantee of successful activity of the institution under difficult economic and political conditions is the formation of an effective mechanism for managing its production potential and personnel policy, which will ensure a stable competitive position of the enterprise in the market.


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How to Cite
Grynko, T., Hviniashvili, T., & Pipkina, A. (2022). THE ROLE OF STAFF IN THE PROCESS OF MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (44).