Keywords: statistical reporting, management report, mining enterprises, environmental tax, waste


The article is devoted to the disclosure of environmental aspects of the activities of mining enterprises in the enterprise's reporting. Interrelationships regarding the indicators that are the basis for environmental tax taxation and are subject to disclosure in statistical reporting and the Environmental Tax Declaration have been identified. It was established that information on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by stationary sources of pollution is contained in the Report on emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from stationary sources of emissions. It was found that the volumes of generation, waste management at the place of their generation, generation of radioactive waste (including already accumulated) and/or temporary storage of radioactive waste by their producers beyond the period established by the special conditions of the licenses are indicated in the Report on the generation and management of waste. It has been established that information on discharges of pollutants directly into water bodies is contained in the Water Use Report. Statistical data on the impact of economic activity of enterprises on the environment are characterized. It was found that mining enterprises have the most waste-intensive process. It was established that in the structure of emissions into the atmospheric air for all types of economic activity, the largest specific weight is occupied by the processing industry. It was found that among the costs of environmental protection measures, mining enterprises prefer the direction of financing related to the protection and restoration of soil, underground and surface water, and it occupies the largest specific weight. The degree of disclosure in the Reports on the management of mining enterprises of environmental information on the volumes of water, electricity, and fuel consumption is characterized; volumes of waste, emissions into the environment, costs of environmental measures, the amounts of the calculated and paid environmental tax, descriptive characteristics and measures of environmental indicators used when disclosing information; a list of planned environmental measures with an indication of costs for their implementation, actual implementation of environmental measures for the year.


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