Keywords: state support, regulation, investment, breeding, farming, craft production


The article is devoted to current areas of improvement of state regulation of horticulture development. The need for the development of domestic breeding as a means of achieving food independence of Ukraine is substantiated. Directions for the development of state support for craft productions and measures for organizing the processing of horticulture products at enterprises have been formed. In the research process, a set of general scientific and special methods was used: economic analysis – when determining the effectiveness of state support for horticulture; analysis and synthesis –– when combining the constituent economic phenomena in a single process; graphic – with a visual display of individual indicators of state stimulation of horticulture; deductive – during the theoretical understanding of the problem and clarification of individual concepts; inductive – when collecting, systematizing and processing information. It is argued that the program for the formation and development of the food market of both Ukraine and its separate region should contain measures to create the necessary level of supply (production) of agricultural products, measures to create a market infrastructure, to support the profitability of agricultural producers at the level necessary for expanded production, the level of guaranteed prices and other organizational and economic measures, the implementation of which is necessary for the organization of the normal functioning of the food market. It has been proven that in order to support the development of horticulture and the development of small processing enterprises, it is expedient to expand the measures of state stimulation by providing subsidies in the amount of up to 60 percent of the cost of equipment necessary for the processing of horticultural products directly by producers of horticultural products. It was determined that the program for the formation and development of the food market of both Ukraine and its separate region should contain measures to create the necessary level of supply (production) of agricultural products, measures to create a market infrastructure, to support the profitability of agricultural producers at the level necessary for expanded production, the level of guaranteed prices and other organizational and economic measures, the implementation of which is necessary for the organization of the normal functioning of the food market.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, H., Gontaruk, Y., & Hirenko, M. (2022). STATE REGULATION OF HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (43).

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