The article is devoted to the optimization of the enterprise's warehouse activity on the basis of logistics in order to increase the efficiency of the warehouse and the profitability of the enterprise in general. The latest research and publications on this topic are analyzed. So far unsolved issues of ways to optimize the company's warehouse activity on the basis of logistics have been identified. The transport and forwarding company "DSV Logistics" Ltd. was chosen as the object of the study, and the subject of the study is its logistics activity, which needs optimization in order to increase the efficiency of operation. The article evaluates the market position of "DSV Logistics" Ltd., calculates indicators of the efficiency of the enterprise's warehouse operations, offers logistical solutions for increasing the efficiency of enterprises in the field of warehouse logistics, which is based on determining the level of logistics services and the operation of the enterprise's warehouse complex and provides the opportunity to determine reserves for improvement efficiency of warehouse activity. Warehouse logistics is one of the logistics subsystems, which deals with the development of methods of organizing warehouse management, receiving, placing, and accounting for goods in the warehouse. Warehousing logistics seeks to organize inventory management in such a way as to minimize the costs associated with processing and warehousing goods. The main element of warehouse logistics is a warehouse, the purpose of which in modern conditions is no longer the storage of goods, it is transformed into a transshipment point for the provision of cross-docking, assembly, consolidation, sorting, labeling of goods in order to minimize the costs of transportation and storage of goods and reduce delivery time Evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise in the field of warehouse logistics, it can be considered from two sides: in the "broad" sense of this word, i.e. improving the quality of the operation of the logistics system, which includes the warehouse complex, and in the "narrow" sense, as the efficiency of the warehouse itself of the complex The indicator of the efficiency of the logistics service is used as a criterion for evaluating "broad" efficiency. An indicator that takes into account the efficiency of warehouse technological processes, the use of warehouse space, the quality of service at the warehouse, and the economic efficiency of the warehouse is an integral criterion for the "narrow" efficiency of warehouse functioning.
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