Keywords: tourism, inclusive tourism, affordable tourism, barrier-free space, people with disabilities


The article analyzes the key features of the formation and development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine and Europe. The essence of the concept of inclusive tourism, people with disabilities, affordable tourism is considered. The domestic and European legal framework in the field of inclusive tourism is studied. The article analyzes the total number of people with disabilities in Ukraine. It has been established that providing barrier-free space for people with disabilities in Ukraine is extremely important in modern realities. It is proved that tourism, being a unique phenomenon in the field of rehabilitation of the disabled, allows to solve a large number of problems. It is determined that the market of affordable tourism is a growing and loyal market, which brings competitive advantages and new business opportunities. The main trend in the development of modern world tourism is to intensify work to create a favorable environment for all categories of tourists. The inclusiveness of modern tourism is not only in the creation of appropriate infrastructure, but also in the transformation of a functioning tourism product. Inclusive culture is an important feature of a developed society, it affects many areas of society. These processes can be clearly seen in the field of tourism. Tourism plays an important role in rehabilitating and improving the health of people with disabilities, such as the blind, deaf or disabled. Participation in tourist trips has a very positive effect on the well-being and mental state of this group of people, which is an important element of social integration. Physical activity is a factor that affects the development of all spheres of human activity, resulting in the implementation of treatment and prevention goals of rehabilitation. No rehabilitation facility can provide such efficiency. Despite barriers and obstacles, people with disabilities have an urgent need to travel, spend their free time actively and integrate with the environment. Inclusive tourism is an exceptional phenomenon for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including both the process of learning about reality and the possibility of better socialization, eliminating feelings of inferiority, integrating into society with dignity and self-esteem.


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How to Cite
Bezuhla, L., Kuvaieva, T., & Herasymenko, T. (2022). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF INCLUSIVE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE AND EUROPE. Economy and Society, (43).