The article proves the necessity of studying the principles of location of trade enterprises as an integral part of the marketing complex, and also characterizes the impact of the knowledge economy and the processes of informatization of society on the distribution of trade enterprises. The existing approaches to understanding the concept of knowledge economy by different scientists and the marketing policy of distribution as the main indicator of the level of development of the distribution sphere, which has undergone the greatest changes as a result of the spread of the concept of knowledge economy, are analyzed. The approaches to informatization of the process of distribution of goods and services are substantiated, taking into account the latest trends that characterize the world information space. It is proposed that in the context of informatization of the process of distribution of goods and services, special attention should be paid to the use of digital technologies for tracking transport and cargo; fleet management based on modern data collection systems in real time; optimization of the development, planning and modification of routes; inventory management and forecasting, based on the use of Internet of Things sensors for monitoring warehouse and production stocks. It is established that the main direction in the informatization of the process of distribution of goods and services is the formation and development of open logistics networks and the organization of a global cargo tracking system. Especially such trends are characteristic of the B2C segment, accompanied by a shift towards closer interaction between suppliers and consumers of transport and logistics services and the convergence of functional operations to ensure a high degree of tracking of transport and cargo flows, as well as improving information services for notification of cargo arrival, updated in real time.
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