Keywords: reputation, reputation management, level of reputation, stages of reputation management, competition, transformation


The main goals of the article are to identify the problems that arise on the way to the formation and development of reputation management systems in Ukraine during transformational periods. The work aims to identify prospects for solving the identified problems. The search for directions for improving the levels of business/corporate reputation of enterprises and organizations, which are of increasing interest to them in connection with the growth of competition levels in the market, the instability of needs, and their constant transformation, is an actual field of scientific and practical research. The article is devoted to analyzing the problems and prospects of the formation and further development of the reputation management system by domestic enterprises in transformational periods. The research methods in the article are analysis, synthesis, analogy, statistical research, and others. A trend established that under dynamic economic conditions of conducting production and economic activities, the need to study the impact of the level of corporate reputation of a domestic enterprise on its given activity increasingly arises. The influence of the level of business (corporate) reputation of a domestic enterprise on its activity is studied. The article contains an analysis of scientific research by Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the field of reputation, its importance for the enterprise and organization, features of the formation of management systems, and their practical development. The dynamics of the levels of importance of reputational capital in recent years have been analyzed. The key drivers of reputation have been studied. The proposed sequence of formation of the reputation management system of the enterprise. A brief description highlighting its main stages of implementation in transformational periods will contribute to effective implementation at enterprises. The critical tasks for the leadership of Ukrainian enterprises under transformational conditions caused by a highly dynamic external environment in the formation and maintenance of high levels of own reputation are highlighted.


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