The article analyzes the changes taking place in consumer markets under the influence of the post-pandemic COVID-19, with the aim of restructuring and adapting the enterprises business processes to today's challenges. An analysis of the latest scientific research and publications was carried out, as a result of which it was found that consumer behavior and business adaptation during the pandemic have so far been researched and analyzed. However, the issue of consumer trends and behavior in consumer markets in the post-pandemic period remains unsolved. As a result of the conducted research, the main features of the modern consumer, who has changed from "demonstrational" to "rational", is "always in touch", expects positive emotions from visiting a store, wants fast and easy online shopping, and also sets new requirements for brands and businesses in the field of environmental, social and corporate responsibilities. It has been proven that consumers have a significant influence not only on the marketing system of enterprises, but also on the formation of the market structure, changes in the production and economic activity of enterprises, and their market share. The change in the share of online sales during the pandemic period and in the post-period was studied, which emphasizes the need for business to go online, since the impact of digitalization on consumers and business dictates new conditions for the penetration and presence of enterprises online. It was found that the provisions of the sustainable development concept, implemented in the enterprise’s activities, go beyond business statements about the mission and values, and they began to implement the provisions of the sustainable development concept in such areas as strategic planning, marketing, internal communications and processes. The necessity of implementing ecologically sustainable practices in the supply chain of the enterprise due to its negative impact on the environment is emphasized. The analysis of recent studies made it possible to highlight the main trends that have formed in the consumer markets in the post-pandemic period and present them in a consolidated table.
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E-commerce increase due to COVID-19 in Europe 2020-2021. Available at:
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These 6 trends are shaping the businesses of the future. Available at:
The big challenges for supply chains in 2022. Available at:
Consumers respond to waves of disruption. Available at: