This article is relevant because the priority task of any sphere, including the modern banking market, is to focus on the convenience of the client. Classic banking is leaving because the use of the Internet allows improving the market position through the spread of mobile applications, special programs, electronic and personal accounts, the purpose of which is the availability of financial services 24 hours a day from any corner of the world. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of digitization of banking services as a further prerequisite for the development of the financial space of Ukraine. The article is devoted to the consideration of the current state of digital services in the banking market of Ukraine as a consequence of the globalization of all spheres of activity and the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. The regularities and reasons for the intensive development of digitalization in the banking sector have been identified, because since the economy of Ukraine is bank-centric, this market demonstrates the highest level of digitalization; the advantages of the further implementation of digitization in the banking market were considered and the key existing problems of today in the studied area were identified. The article briefly describes the main digital services that are used in the banking services market and are the most popular today, and the activity of developing new digital products for further improvement of the bank's work is noted. The article also outlines a number of advantages and positive transformations under the conditions of further use of digital services in the banking system. Also, in this study, special attention is paid to the need to train specialists of the appropriate level, namely professionals in the field of financial technologies for the implementation of strategies for the further development of digital services in the banking sector, which is timely at this stage of the development of the modern digital society. Ways to popularize the use of digital services are also indicated, including the digital literacy of users and financial conditions for providing them with appropriate personal devices for the technical possibility of using the specified services.
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