The article examines the use of computer information technologies for the management of restaurant business establishments, which will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the establishment's management, reduce the costs of managing affairs due to the automation of information processing processes, ensure reliable accounting and control of income, as well as expenditure of funds at all levels of management institution, will increase the efficiency of data exchange between individual divisions, branches and the central office. It has been proved that the automation of a restaurant business gives a much greater effect with an integrated approach. Partial automation of individual workplaces can only solve another «burning» problem. However, at the same time, there are also negative effects: labor intensity is not reduced, and sometimes even increases, as well as the costs of maintaining personnel, the inconsistency of the work of divisions is not eliminated. Restaurant automation is designed to conduct an operational inventory, as well as control the minimum balance of goods in the warehouse, order the necessary ingredients, analyze sales, keep records of goods from purchase to write-off, take into account cash reserves, and many other functions. A commodity expert has the opportunity to calculate the cost of finished products in a restaurant business. For restaurants, the issue of costing is especially relevant today. Since the calculation of the cost price solves the task of pricing, and also provides control of the movement of the main items of commodity and material stocks of the restaurant business enterprise. The main business processes of the restaurant establishment are considered, the roles and tasks of the employees are defined, the tasks to be performed by the information and computer technologies, according to the work duties of the restaurant employees, are set. An analysis of existing programs for front-office and back-office automation of the restaurant industry was carried out. It is noted that in order to improve the efficiency of the restaurant business, it is necessary to switch to free distribution of software, expand the use of wide access to the Internet for organizing negotiations, and replace paper document management with electronic. Also, the creation of a computerized system of information support for the activities of the restaurant business establishment will greatly contribute to the rational support for the functioning of «Poster POS». The active implementation of modern information technologies in the activities of restaurant business enterprises is a necessary condition for their successful work, since accuracy, reliability, efficiency and high speed of information processing and transmission determine the effectiveness of management. The use of information infrastructure is a necessary condition for the successful promotion of a product on the national and international market of services in the field of restaurant business.
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