The focus of commercial activity on meeting the demand of target market segments, achieving economic and social results, and obtaining profit determines the need to take into account the factors influencing this activity as fully as possible and manage it. These factors of influencing can significantly change the direction of development of the relevant process (management and commercial activities etc.). Therefore, today there is an urgent need to substantiate the fact that strategic and environmental management are modern trends in management of the commercial activity, to identify the actual issues of a strategic and environmental nature that require solutions, and are vectors for improving the commercial activity. Justification and argumentation of the fact that strategic and environmental management are modern trends in management of the commercial activity, identification of topical issues of a strategic and environmental nature that require solutions, and are vectors for improvement of the commercial activity. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: methods of system analysis, generalization - to characterize the content and features of the commercial activity and its management; institutional analysis – to identify problems and determine directions to improve management of the commercial activities by the state, enterprise managers and other stakeholders. It has been established that strategic and environmental management are modern trends in management of the commercial activity. It is substantiated that the scope of taking into account the environmental component in the commercial activity of enterprises is inappropriate. It has been proved that it requires improvement of the activities of the state as the main subject of environmental management, first of all, through the strengthening of the legal, methodical and instrumental foundations of environmentalization of activities of enterprises, informational support for management of the commercial activities. It was identified that it is necessary to organize joint actions of employees who participate in the processes of strategic and environmental management of commercial activities, to achieve consistency and coordination of their actions. In this context, it is proposed to use the mechanism of non-material motivation of employees. In the conditions of movement along the path of sustainable development, it is advisable to focus further scientific research on improving the tools of influence on the process of environmentalization of the commercial activities management.
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