The article reveals the prospects of the post-war recovery of tourism in Ukraine. It was determined that the sphere of tourism as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war was severely affected both in Ukraine and abroad. It was found that, in contrast to the negative impact of the war, the tourism industry continues to function – yes, for the first four months of 2022, the amount of the tourist tax is 64 million 611 thousand UAH, and by almost 65% it exceeded the similar period of 2021. It has been established that today there is complete stagnation in the field of business tourism, inbound tourism in Ukraine has begun to revive, and with it the business segment in the form of conferences, trainings, seminars, etc. In the course of the study, the following promising directions of the post-war recovery of tourism in Ukraine were identified, such as: development of business, educational, medical, green and military tourism; development and implementation of programs (both state and international) to support tourism entities; ensuring close cooperation between countries in the direction of mutual support of tourist activities; increasing the interest of foreign tourists in memorial routes and post-war symbolic places; search for new methods and ways of implementing tourist services, etc. It has been established that the restoration of Ukrainian tourist zones, especially coastal areas, requires the demining of coastal tourist areas, the area of which, according to expert estimates, is about 20,000 square meters. km. It has been proven that in the context of the reconstruction of the tourism sector in Ukraine, it is worth taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries in the reconstruction of the tourism sector, which suffered as a result of crisis phenomena, and especially due to the war (wars). It was revealed that the strategic guidelines for increasing the tourism potential of Ukraine in the post-war period should be: branching of the infrastructure of tourist services and digitization of solutions; the development of tourism at three levels (according to the tourist direction, investment projects and local characteristics) and the formation of Ukraine's competitive advantage; promotion of unique Ukrainian brands abroad.
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