The article is devoted to the study of logistics innovations in the tourism industry. It has been proven that in the conditions of the development of innovative processes, a significant number of innovations are entering the world market, which are increasingly becoming available for purchase and use in any part of the world in the conditions of digitalization of society. Therefore, the presence of a significant number of innovations in the conditions of a rapidly changing world market gives grounds for asserting the need for logistical innovations in the tourism industry. The component structure of tourism logistics is considered. It was determined that one of the innovative forms of logistics processes in the activities of enterprises in the service sector is logistics providing. A logistics provider is a company that performs part or all of the logistics complex for its client. Planning and control of the results of activities when solving the issue of the implementation of tourist services, as well as management of the sellers of tourist products (services) - travel agencies is an important task for tour operators. In this connection, the choice of logistic travel partners is of great importance. The activity of 5PL-providers is ensured by the support of modern network computer technologies. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of Big Data technologies and analysis tools in the warehouse requires the presence of an integrated logistics management system (which can be a source of data), formalized business processes, awareness of the need for additional data and motivation to use it in decision-making. Big data analytics will make it possible to forecast fluctuations in demand, detect seasonality, adjust processes in the warehouse (forecast of reception loading and marking, smoothing of the peak hour), etc. The technology of electronic data exchange (EDI ‒ Electronic Data Interchange) of the global warehouse logistics system is considered. It is intended for the automation of document flow in the warehouse, starting from the creation of electronic documents, ending with their processing, as well as its integration with existing / used business applications.
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