The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of the labour market during the war period, a comparison of changes with the state of the market in peacetime, the processes of adaptation to new living conditions and the changes in the priority of vacant positions in the market are being taken into consideration as well. It has been discovered that despite the military actions, the labour market began the process of stabilization, has shown its flexibility and adaptability to the conditions and needs of the state. New professional needs of the Ukrainian labour market have been identified, which resulted in the closure of many enterprises. There is a reduction in personnel needs in all areas of activity, including the IT sphere. However, due to the opening of a significant number of grocery stores, the greatest need for workers is felt in the field of sales. Also, the labour market is in great need of representatives of the labour field of activity. Instead, considering the future prospects of development, it has been concluded that the longer the hostilities continue, the more difficult it will become to maintain stability in the market. It has been found out that the Western regions of the country (especially the Lviv region) are in a particularly tense state, which took on a significant social burden due to the arrival of a large number of forcibly displaced people. Therefore, we have highlighted the key risks that will destabilize the market during the continuation of the Russian- Ukrainian war and in the post-war period. The risks identified by us have included: rising unemployment, insolvency of the population, forced migration, business relocation, and others. A number of measures have been proposed to restore the stabilization of the labour market after the end of the hostilities on the territory of the state, proposals have been made to consider legislative changes and develop mechanisms for the return of forced migrants, to create conditions for attracting young people to the labour market and to provide professional orientation programs, to improve qualifications for quick and effective restoration of the labour market and the economy as a whole. An important feature of our proposals is that these measures must be developed and implemented now in order to help the population overcome the unemployment crisis, identify weaknesses in the implemented measures and contribute to the less severe destabilization of the labour market in the future.
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