The article is devoted to current areas of improvement of information support for solid household waste processing in territorial communities. The need for the production of alternative energy sources from the products of the agro-industrial sector as a means of achieving energy independence of Ukraine is substantiated. The state of information support for household waste processing was studied. Identification of the main existing problems with processing in communal enterprises of territorial communities, namely the lack (or complete absence) of information on the amount of solid household waste that was collected/processed, the underdevelopment of the infrastructure and the sphere of services, the stable growth of the transport costs of the enterprise, the insufficient level of technological equipment of the enterprises. Determination that the most expedient for the modernization of the organizational and methodological support of the information system of territorial communities is the use of Microsoft Ekcel modeling tools, which will make it possible to predict in the medium term the feasibility of creating a new type of production at the enterprise from a financial point of view. A detailed analysis of the fundamental features of the complex sorting of solid household waste and the information system of the relevant enterprises was carried out, which made it possible to state that in order to increase the profitability of production, more attention should be paid to research in the field of household waste processing. It was determined that the main restraining factor for the development of biogas production at solid household waste landfills is, first of all, the lack of state incentives and the necessary amount of investments. It has been proven that measures to improve the management of the information system at the relevant enterprises should be related to the organization of sorting and processing solid waste into biogas. The need to implement the proposed measures to improve information support for the activities of enterprises focused on the processing of solid household waste is argued, which will make it possible to increase the level of ecologically safe development of Ukraine and will serve as an addition to the National strategy for waste management in Ukraine until 2030.
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