Keywords: hotel product, components of the hotel product, hotel services, reviews (positive and negative) of tourists about the hotel product


The article is devoted to topical issues related to the formation of a hotel product. It is noted that in order to regulate the activity of accommodation facilities in the Ukrainian legislation there are such concepts as "hotel service" and its varieties – "main services" and "additional services". However, the use of these terms is intended only for the formation of hotel tariffs, that is, it does not apply to the service component of the content of these services. It is pointed out that there is no definition of the term "hotel product" in the regulatory and legal documents of Ukraine, which should emphasize the complex nature of the hotel offer and is widely used by scientists-researchers and professionals-practitioners. The findings of scientists regarding the essence and components of the hotel product have been systematized and analyzed. It has been established that some researchers identify a hotel product with a complex of hotel services. The rest of the scientists believe that the hotel product has 2-4 levels. Attention is drawn to the fact that in modern business conditions, the management of all hospitality industry establishments needs to look for various ways to ensure high quality of service. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the opinions of customers regarding the provision of a range of services to them within the framework of the existing material and technical base. It is noted that the comfort of their stay in accommodation facilities and the rating of these establishments, published on popular resources on the Internet, depend on the speed of response of the administration of hotel enterprises to the problems faced by tourists. It is emphasized that increasing the competitiveness of hotel enterprises largely depends on the timeliness of correcting the negative features identified at different levels of the hotel product. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the scientific literature there are practically no studies of the organization of the hotel product and its components, taking into account the feedback of consumers and their suggestions. An author's definition of a hotel product is offered. Clarification has been made regarding the content of individual levels of the hotel product. An example of work on the systematization of reviews (positive and negative) and suggestions of tourists regarding the basic, expected, extended and potential levels of the hotel product is given.


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