Keywords: craft, creative tourism, destination, heritage, Lviv region


To attract more international tourists in the Lviv region, creative tourism should be developed, in particular, based on unique crafts, as successful tourism destinations in the world do. As for the potential of crafts in the Lviv region, it is, unfortunately, poorly used. Local artisans have little experience of participating in tourism activities, mainly organizing single exhibitions, excursions, master classes. The main reason is the lack of coordination between the efforts of state structures, non-profit organizations and individual artisans or cooperatives. The article discusses possibilities and ways of promoting and using authentic crafts of the Lviv region in tourism. The most relevant of them are: creation of a website and/or online platform for the association of artisans; placement of information about the craft, destination and sale of handicrafts on official tourism websites and in tourism information centers; use of handicrafts decorating accommodation facilities with the possibility of acquiring them; visiting tourist fairs, exhibitions, forums; creating a network to unite artisans of the Lviv region; developing creative shopping tours; creating full-fledged destinations for independent reception of tourists; creating a craft cluster in the Lviv region, etc. It was found that crafts reflecting the ancient culture, customs and traditions of the local population are common in the Lviv region. Those of them that have survived to this day are unique tourism resources, which means they can become the basis for the formation and development of tourism destinations, in particular, creative tourism destinations. New tourist route and tour are developed. The tourist route includes the following creative destinations: Lviv – Vynnyky – Pidgaychyky – Glynyany – Gavarechchyna – Pidlyssya – Chervonograd – Sokal – Potelych – Yavoriv – Navariya – Lviv. The formation and competent management of creative tourism destinations based on crafts will contribute to sustainable development of the Lviv region, the development of creative tourism and preservation of authentic culture through the flow of funds to local communities from tourists.


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How to Cite
Senkiv, M., & Mokh, R. (2022). POPULARIZATION OF CRAFTS OF LVIV REGION AND THEIR USE IN TOURISM. Economy and Society, (39). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-39-79