Keywords: gold market, investments, crisis, assets, pricing


Nowadays the gold market is one of the main levers of influence on development of national and world economy. Rapid response to market changes in world economic policy is very important to avoid and minimize the negative impact of financial risks. Gold is an attractive investment tool. This fact necessitates in-depth analysis of existence and development of gold market, research of influence elements on pricing in terms of interaction with other markets and financial instruments. This issue becomes especially relevant during the war in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is specifics of impact full-scale military action in Ukraine on price formation of world gold market through correlation analysis. The article is devoted to study of price formation tendencies on world gold market in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The essence of the gold market and its main participants at global level are considered. The main factors of direct influence on the pricing process in the gold market are presented. The dynamics and the reasons of the dynamics of world prices and domestic gold prices in Ukraine are considered. There was found that the crisis periods (the global pandemic COVID-19 and the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine) form the upward dynamic of gold value in both domestic and world markets. The dynamic of price index for gold and alternative assets in the world is considered. A correlation analysis of the dependence of world gold prices on the value of other assets is conducted. The main factors and their degree of influence on process of gold pricing in full-scale military action in Ukraine are identified. There was found that in short term fluctuations in the gold price are commonplace, however, in long term the trend of price changes is always upward. The world price of gold depends on both the rational expectations of investors and the uncertainty of global economic processes. A direct proportional relationship between the change in gold price and silver, oil price is detected. Conversely, increase in the USA dollar causes decrease in gold price.


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How to Cite
Nazarenko, S., & Nosan, N. (2022). TRENDS OF PRICING ON THE WORLD GOLD MARKET IN CONDITIONS OF WAR IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (39).