Keywords: development, export, grain market, grain crops, crops


The article is devoted to the study and research of the main problems of the grain market in Ukraine and the development of ways to develop the market in the future. The development of the grain market is one of the strategically important for Ukraine's economy. The high level of grain yield not only guarantees the food security of the state, but also of the countries-importers of Ukrainian grain products. Until 2022, the Ukrainian grain market showed positive trends in its development. The analysis of statistical data shows an increase in the size of sown areas, gross harvest and grain yield during 2015-2021. However, the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine changed everything. The military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is purposefully aimed at destroying the Ukrainian economy, and especially the agricultural sector, in order to cause global panic over Ukrainian grain. Due to the fact that about 20% of the territory of Ukraine is under occupation, as well as active hostilities in some regions, the 2022 sowing campaign failed to be completed in full. On the territory of Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Luhansk regions there are facts of theft and export to the Russian Federation of agricultural machinery and grain crops, mining of sown areas. Repeatedly, the Russian military's missile strikes were aimed at destroying agricultural infrastructure, including elevators and grain depots. Ukrainian ports are being blocked in the Black and Azov Seas. This does not allow importers to export grain crops from Ukraine in the required quantities. The high level of grain supply in the middle of the country has led to falling product prices. Therefore, farmers faced another problem – achieving a break-even level of their own production. The article outlines recommendations for reducing the negative impact of factors on the development of the grain market of Ukraine in modern conditions: stabilization of the military-political situation in the country, involvement of partner countries in the diplomatic process of unblocking seaports, providing Ukrainian farmers with seeds, fuel and agriculture equipment, creation of safe working conditions (demining of sown areas), maximum sowing of grain crops in safe regions, application of innovative technologies in the production and storage of grain crops.


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How to Cite
Miroshnyk, R., & Bahlai, I. (2022). PROBLEMS OF GRAIN MARKET IN UKRAINE AND WAYS OF SOLVING THEM. Economy and Society, (39).