Keywords: model, interaction marketing, biofuels, biodiesel, biogas, digestate, energy independence, agriculture


The article is devoted to topical issues of development of marketing models of interaction of agricultural enterprises in biofuel production. The necessity of biofuel production from agricultural products as a means of achieving Ukraine's energy independence is substantiated. The state of perception of the possibility of creating biofuel production on the basis of existing agricultural farms is studied. It is proved that the lack of experimental research in the field of biofuel production by agricultural enterprises should be solved by creating research and production laboratories on the basis of research institutions. It is determined that the production of biofuels by agricultural enterprises should be focused on meeting the energy needs of these formations. The production of biogas at these enterprises requires the establishment of contacts for the sale of surplus products in the general gas transmission system or processing into electricity and sale at a "green tariff". It is determined that the reduction of the green tariff rate for new producers will not contribute to the processing of biogas into electricity. It is proved that the sale of biogas in the gas transmission system will require the conclusion of contracts for the sale of this type of product. It is determined that it is most expedient to sell biogas to industrial enterprises focused on the export of their products. The directions of development of solid biofuel production by agricultural enterprises from wastes of crop production are offered. The necessity of forming a model of marketing of interaction of agricultural enterprises on biofuel production is substantiated. The necessity of establishing public-private partnership as a component of the formation of the model of interaction marketing for the purpose of in-depth research in the field of production of alternative energy sources is determined. The expediency of using digestate in agriculture to increase crop yields and reduce the cost of production has been proven. The need to implement the proposed measures is argued, which will increase the level of competitiveness of agricultural products and will serve as a direction to ensure energy independence of agriculture. It is proved that the practical implementation of this model will partially reduce the energy independence of the state from petroleum products, increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, provide the crop industry with organic fertilizers and livestock with concentrated feed (cake as a by-product of biodiesel from oilseeds). production of equipment for biofuel production.


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