There are currently a rapid rise in unemployment, an increase in the number of vulnerable groups and the weakening of their social protection due to the impo-sition of martial law and hostilities in large areas of Ukraine. More than a half of Ukrainians have lost a source of permanent income that would cover basic human needs, provide a sense of security and reduce anxiety about the uncertain future. The activities of social enterprises can smooth out a number of pressing issues in society, as well as accelerate their resolution. Social enterprises can help to solve the problems of socially vulnerable groups, their employment and social adapta-tion, and therefore this activity is useful for recovery and economic development. There are currently difficult conditions for the functioning of most enterprises, in-stitutions and organizations, including social enterprises in Ukraine during martial law. Therefore, the aim of the study is to study the possibilities of conducting and developing social entrepreneurship in Ukraine under martial law as one of the ef-fective tools for solving acute social problems. So the pathways and measures of financial, organizational and information support of domestic social entrepreneur-ship were researched in the article. These pathways and activities are provided by state, domestic and international organizations, local governments. Such organiza-tions as the International Renaissance Foundation, the Eastern Europe Foundation, the Innovation Development Fund, the Social Investment Fund, the Ukrainian So-cial Venture Fund and others provide crowdfunding or grants funds projects which can help social enterprises to develop their activities. The state also provides sup-port for financial assistance and reduction of the tax burden. Local governments also support social business through small and medium business support programs. All these measures create opportunities for the development of social entrepreneur-ship in Ukraine and, accordingly, improve the life of society, overcome the socio-economic crisis and further development of the country as a whole.
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