The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the marketing policy of companies in the Asian region in the context of internationalization and the global market. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in today's world market is characterized by increasing internationalization and international integration, as well as the active expansion of high-tech companies in international markets. The aim of the article is to identify and summarize the features of the marketing policy of high-tech Chinese companies, aimed at strengthening their own positions in world markets. The following research methods were used in the work on the article: analysis and synthesis, comparison; method of theoretical generalization; system approach and other methods. The article analyzes the experience of economic activity in the international markets of leading Asian companies that have achieved significant success in the European and American economic space. The peculiarities of the implementation of the successful marketing policy of the well-known Asian corporations Huawei, Lenovo and Hisense are studied. The key factors of success of these companies in the world markets of high-tech products in the conditions of international competition are revealed. The peculiarities of economic activity of these companies are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the study of marketing tools, approaches and solutions that have helped to expand the presence of the analyzed companies in international markets. Based on the analysis of scientific works, the main factors that determine the nature of the company's marketing policy are identified, as well as the forms of international business presence in foreign markets are identified. Since the successful marketing policy of the company in world markets depends on a number of factors and circumstances that develop at a given time, systematized the main factors that determine the conditions and policies of the company entering international markets. In particular, the marketing policy of the enterprise is influenced by internal factors, environmental factors and regulatory factors. Forms of business presence in international markets are identified, including export of products, creation of joint ventures, organization of business on a franchise basis, transfer of patents and licenses, establishment of scientific and technical cooperation, intensification of international labor exchange.
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