Keywords: сoncept, economic theory, economic thought, evolution, development


The development of economic thought in Ukraine in modern conditions is analyzed in the article. The evolution of the views of Ukrainian scientists on the number of economic processes and categories is studied, as well as the importance of modern economic theory for the development of society and state economy is proved. The basic criteria that characterize modern economic theory are identified. Modern economic thought is characterized by its own field of theoretical knowledge (subject of study) and the corresponding technique of finding and interpreting the facts of objective reality (methodology of analysis), formed in the process of economic development and society. Modern economic theory acts as a dynamic science, its subject penetrates into all new spheres of society, and the methodology is improved by involving in economic research many methods and principles of interdisciplinary analysis, methods of economic and mathematical modeling, combination of economic and sociological analysis. It is researched that modern economic theory is developing as a dynamic science. The subject of its study is adapted to the transformational changes of economic development and life of society, and the methodology is constantly improved by attracting new methods of economic and sociological analysis. The study and rethinking of the history of economic thought in Ukraine, as an organic component of world socio-economic culture, has a significant impact on the global cultural process. Convergent, unifying tendencies are characteristic of the world economic science of the beginning of the XXI century. Representatives of various schools, trends and directions of economic thought cover a large number of modern economic concepts. The essence and different types of synthesis of economic concepts, directions and schools are researched. It is established that there are significant transformations in the content, subject field of research in various areas of economic thought and individual theories. Thus, a promising area of further research in the field of economic theory is to identify ways of synthesis of different economic schools, trends and approaches to improve the methodology of analysis, in-depth knowledge of social development and state economy.


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Parkhomenko, L., Froter, O., & Osipova, A. (2022). MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (35).