Keywords: strategies, strategic management, environmental principles, innovative development, agricultural enterprises


The article is devoted to the issues of strategic management of innovative development in agricultural enterprises on ecological principles. The work proves the importance of combining the concepts of «strategic management», «innovative development» and «environmental principles» to ensure sustainable development of individual enterprises, industries and the country as a whole, a general description of these concepts is provided. It is established that the ecological direction of innovative development is one of the main strategic tasks of enterprises, as the problems of environmental protection are relevant today for both Ukraine and the world. In order to elaborate strategic directions for such development, the innovative activities of agricultural enterprises at the current stage are analyzed in the article. The analysis revealed that in recent years there has been a decline in innovation performance of agricultural enterprises. An assessment of their ecological condition is given and the range of problems that avert the transition of enterprises to environmental principles is identified. The aims of the state ecological policy are given as a basis for the development of ecological strategies of individual enterprises and industries. The advantages of ecologically oriented strategic management of an agricultural enterprise are determined. A model of strategic management of innovative development of agricultural enterprises on ecological principles has been created, which includes innovative, environmental and management strategies, the combination of which allows to solve a set of strategically important tasks for the country and synergistic effect from their rational combination. Recommendations for the practical implementation of the proposed model have been developed. There are provided conclusions on possible positive consequences in case of transition of agricultural enterprises to the proposed model of strategic management, in particular: maintaining high technical and technological level of enterprises, compliance of product quality and management models with international standards, improving the image and reputation of domestic enterprises, gaining a strong position in the world market etc.


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