Keywords: loyalty, trade enterprises, marketing policy, marketing management, synergetic effect, object and subject approach


The issue of gaining the loyalty of customers of commercial enterprises is important in terms of competition of such structures for a permanent customer base, which would provide an opportunity to make a steady profit on goods sold or services provided. At the same time, building stable, long-term and virtuous partnerships with consumers determines the possible development of trade structures in the desired direction for consumers. The article clarifies the categorical essence of the definitions of "customer loyalty" and "marketing policy tool", identifies the manifestations of the synergistic effect on the vector of their combination in the trajectory of improving the qualitative and quantitative indicators of trade enterprises. It is substantiated that the synergetic effect of the use of customer loyalty is an integral effect of gaining customer loyalty of commercial enterprises, and its introduction into marketing activities will increase the efficiency of the enterprise. The authors highlight the factors that ensure the acquisition of customer loyalty in systems of various shapes and constructions, and provide recommendations for the effective functioning of these multi-vector systems. According to the results of the survey, the degree of influence of each component of customer loyalty on the purchase decision process is substantiated. The need to use the technology of forming the loyalty of customers of commercial enterprises and the introduction of a certain phenomenon in their business activities has been updated. Object, subject and object-subject approaches in gaining customer loyalty in the sale of goods and services by enterprises of various forms and different organizational structure are studied. Thus, one way to build consumer loyalty is to create conditions that will prevent consumers from turning to other businesses through measures that increase the usefulness of goods or services for certain groups of consumers as a result of giving them economic benefits. In addition to offering unique benefits, the company can increase the level of subjective perception of the consumer of the quality of goods or services of the company through its own quality guarantees or quality certificates. The implementation of social projects in the activities of enterprises can also be a unique benefit that will contribute to the formation of loyalty.


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How to Cite
Makarova, V., & Nechiporenko, V. (2021). CUSTOMER LOYALTY AS AN OBJECT OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (34).