Keywords: accounting, costs, information support, management, agricultural enterprises


The article is devoted to topical issues of the organization of accounting of cost in the enterprise management system. Further normal development of business requires effective management decisions on key areas of its operation. This in turn determines the availability of relevant information support, which creates a basis for productive management decisions. The essence of accounting and analytical support of cost management is considered. It was determined that the first component of the accounting and analytical support is implemented through the system of relevant primary documents, accounting registers, methodology of displaying accounting information on the costs of agricultural activities is determined by the appropriate internal and external regulatory support. Along with this, accounting and analytical support is a certain informational basis, which is formed in the subsystems of accounting, analysis and control. Accounting and analytical support is formed under the influence of many factors and has corresponding departmental features. The main factors that determine the features of the organization of accounting and analytical support and its directions are analyzed. In order to optimize the internal business management system and increase the efficiency of information support for the analysis and management of strategic management decisions in the work formed a model of accounting and analytical cost support. The article proposes to keep technological maps that will allow to form information support on costs not only for crops, but for crop rotations in terms of fields and crops, with a list of cost items. The algorithm of accumulation of expenses of agricultural production is defined. proposed changes to the bases for the distribution of overhead costs. The accumulation of costs according to the suggested algorithm in agricultural companies will allow to systematize more detailed information on the accumulation of costs for growing products aimed at satisfying the information requests of internal consumers.


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