Keywords: marketing, advertising campaign, influencers, influence marketing, social networks, advertising content


The article conducts a detailed analysis of modern trends in marketing, emphasizing the role of influencers in the formation of advertising strategies and their impact on consumer behavior. The study highlights how collaboration with influencers can bring changes to the usual methods of advertising, opening up new ways for brands to create lasting connections with their audiences. The authors discuss various aspects of engagement with influencers, including the choice of platforms, the types of content they create, and methods for evaluating the impact of such campaigns on brand attitudes and consumer behavior. The importance of authenticity and expertise of influencers in one or another field is emphasized as a key element for forming a positive brand image. The focus of the study is the evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns through the prism of the authenticity of influencers, their expertise and ability to create an emotional connection with the audience. Different types of influencers – from micro to macro – and their impact on various consumer groups are analyzed. The importance of choosing the right influencer who reflects the brand's values and image to maximize impact on the target audience is also highlighted. Looking at successful examples of collaboration, the authors show how certain strategies can increase brand awareness, improve brand visibility, and drive sales. The potential challenges and risks of influencer marketing are also highlighted, including issues of trust and transparency. The study includes an analysis of metrics that determine the effectiveness of advertising campaigns based on collaboration with influencers, evaluating engagement, conversion and impact on customer loyalty. The findings offer recommendations for brands to optimize their influencer marketing strategies to ensure they are most effective. This study makes a valuable contribution to marketers, brand managers, and digital marketing researchers, pointing to the potential of influencer marketing as a means of achieving deeper and more productive relationships between brands and their audiences. The practical value of the article lies in providing a detailed understanding of the key factors that influence the success of marketing strategies in social networks through collaboration with influencers.


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How to Cite
Burdyak , O., Pomazan, L., & Havrylyuk, I. (2024). THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS IN ENSURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ADVERTISING. Economy and Society, (60).