Keywords: competitiveness, market, economic conditions, uncertainty, environmental factors, management, dynamic changes


The article examines the phenomenon of "competitiveness" and also determines the peculiarity of the formation of competitiveness for Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of military aggression. It is these questions that have become particularly important under the influence of a group of factors, both external and internal environments, which form the general conditions of uncertainty in which domestic manufacturers of products and services exist and develop. This is definitely influenced by the stage of development of the enterprise and the environment in which it is located on the market. In the research, the theoretical disclosure of the definition of "competitiveness" in the modern sense is carried out. Also, the requirements for market conditions and management of enterprises, regarding constant monitoring of dynamic changes in the market, are disclosed. Modern business conditions of Ukrainian enterprises engaged in production or providing services are associated with constant challenges and threats not only from the external environment, but also from the struggle for competitive positions in the domestic market. The development of international trade and relations with EU countries also gives the consumer the opportunity to gain access to new goods and services and form a new perception of the quality and requirements for domestic goods and the quality of services provided. Despite the rather high popularity and demand of these issues in theoretical aspects, the development of the problem remains quite low today. For the stability and success of the development of enterprises of various forms of ownership, there is a need to determine those factors that influence the increase in competitiveness and provide opportunities for further development. That is why the study determines the list and detailed description of the influence of external and internal factors that increase the competitiveness of companies in conditions of uncertainty. The main groups of factors that have the greatest influence on the change in competitiveness and the degree of this influence are also determined. Possibilities for management and control of the possible consequences of the influence of factors and timely response to changes in market conditions are revealed. Prospects for the use of such ways of overcoming the influence of factors in the future are considered.


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How to Cite
Akuliushyna, M., Zotova, L., & Shvets, V. (2024). FACTORS INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-73