Keywords: biogas, biomethane, sugar factories, strategy, technologies, agriculture, digestate


The purpose of the article is to study the prospects of biogas production in Ukraine in order to ensure the country's energy security. The need for the development of biogas production at sugar factories in order to sell biomethane on the energy market in the future has been determined. The volume of sugar beet cultivation and the potential volume of biomethane production from sugar industry waste were studied. A model of a production bioenergy cluster based on a sugar factory is proposed. The need for the development of agricultural waste processing and the expediency of biomethane implementation have been established. The main directions of further development of biofuel production on the basis of sugar factories through the creation of bioenergy clusters have been determined. It was determined that the formation of appropriate bioenergy clusters will provide an opportunity to solve a significant number of problems in the agricultural sector, namely: reduce the cost of sugar; create additional jobs in rural areas; to increase the GDP of the state; increase energy independence and improve Ukraine's foreign trade balance; partially provide industrial enterprises with biomethane; promote the development of the production of biogas plants, which in turn will give impetus to the development of new biogas technologies; to provide agriculture with organic fertilizer - digestate; to reduce the level of sewage pollution of water resources of Ukraine; to give impetus to the development of the alcohol industry on an innovative basis. It has been proven that the following measures should be taken to increase the production and use of biomethane at sugar factories: reorientation of existing biogas plants to biomethane production; establishment of cooperation with producers of agricultural products focused on the purchase of waste of this sector of the economy for biogas production; apply biomethane liquefaction technologies for use in transport; gradual accession of Ukraine to the European biomethane trading system. It was determined that the high cost of modernization is a limiting factor for the development of biomethane production at sugar factories. However, through the use of state grants, subsidies aimed at the creation of biomethane production and increasing fines for CO2 emissions, it is possible to increase the production of this type of biofuel in the short term.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, V., Gontaruk, Y., & Shevchuk, H. (2023). BIOMETHANE PRODUCTION AT SUGAR FACTORIES AS A WAY OF ENSURING ENERGY SECURITY OF THE STATE. Economy and Society, (56).