Keywords: business communications, communication process, messages, business etiquette


The article considers the essence and importance of business communications as one of the components of the management process. By means of methods of induction and deduction the achievements of foreign and domestic sciences are systematized, the experience of enterprises is generalized. This made it possible to understand the technologies and methods that can be used by modern enterprises. The tasks of business communication, in particular interaction with stakeholders in order to form a positive attitude to the enterprise, are analyzed and systematized. The types of business communications that have different styles of information transfer are studied. According to the research, the most common business communications are: electronic communication as a standard of business interaction; oral business communication as the oldest form of business communication; written business communication for use in legal situations. The functions of business communications of the enterprise are defined. It is established that to achieve high efficiency in almost any type of commercial activity it is necessary to have a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the principles of business communication. It is found out that the success of any organization is mostly influenced by human resources, so the management of communications, including business ones, is an important element of modern leaders’ activities. At the same time, it is extremely important that the management of organizations should pay more attention to the formation of appropriate communication standards in accordance with the rules of conduct in the business community. This will increase the efficiency of existing communication channels and will enable gaining new benefits. It has been proved that the ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently conclude a business agreement has become an integral part of the professional culture of managers at all levels. The proposed ways to improve internal business communications will ensure the effective operation of the organization and its positive image, primarily through increased transparency around communications with the organization. Thus, involving employees in open dialogues will help provide a sense of belonging and encourage them to participate in corporate collaboration.


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