Keywords: gender-oriented budgeting, public finance, public financial management, gender equality, Ukrainian scientific thought


In Ukraine, despite the growing interest in gender-oriented budgeting and its increasing implementation at the national and local levels, the theoretical foundations remain outside the detailed research of domestic scholars. Although the theoretical aspects are considered in the publications of Ukrainian researchers and practitioners, a significant range of problems related to the use of a gender-oriented approach to budgeting remains insufficiently studied. Currently, in the works of Ukrainian researchers, the use of different terms to denote the concept of gender-oriented budgeting is observed. In addition, the semantic nuances of the economic category are also characterized by heterogeneity. This situation conditions the topicality of the study of theoretical approaches to the definition of the “gender oriented budgeting” in Ukrainian economic thought. The aim of the given article is to review and systematize the main theoretical approaches of Ukrainian researchers to the interpretation of the essence of gender-oriented budgeting and to develop the most accurate definition of this category, as well as suggest the most precise version of the term to denote the concept of gender-oriented budgeting. In order, to achieve this aim, the following tasks were set: (1) to make an overview and systematize the views presented in Ukrainian academic literature on the essence of gender-oriented budgeting; (2) to identify commonalities and differences in the approaches to defining this economic category; (3) to develop the most complete definition for gender-oriented budgeting on the basis of the reviewed approaches and author’s own comprehension; (4) to suggest the most accurate term for the concept of gender-oriented budgeting. The article is based mainly on a review of existing academic literature. The main results of the study are a developed definition of gender-oriented budgeting and the suggestion to use a term “a gender-based approach in the budget process” for a concept of gender-oriented budgeting. These findings are likely to be useful for researchers and public sector practitioners in Ukraine to understand in a deeper way the economic category of gender-oriented budgeting.


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