Keywords: economic activity of the population, employment, labor mobility, migration processes, agricultural sector


The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the formation of the economic activity of the rural population of Ukraine in the conditions of systemic market transformations. The specific features of the current situation with labor supply of agricultural enterprises are determined, as well as the prospects of the dynamics of rural population migration in the context of the strengthening of European integration processes in Ukraine are outlined. The dynamics of the rural population of Ukraine were studied and the prospects for its change in future periods were determined. Attention is focused on the specific migration trends of the rural population, associated with labor flows not only in the territorial aspect, but also between different segments of the labor market. The peculiarities of fluctuations in the level of employment in rural areas of Ukraine during the last years have been studied and a number of factors affecting its dynamics have been determined in accordance with the specifics of market changes. Ensuring the efficiency of the functioning of economic systems is one of the key tasks of building a successful economy. In this aspect, one of the most important factors affecting the successful functioning of the national economy and its components is the appropriate level of its resource provision. At the same time, the availability of a labor force sufficient in number and quality in the labor market is a key prerequisite for ensuring economic growth. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features associated with the uneven territorial distribution of the population. This problem is particularly relevant in rural areas, where, in connection with the long-term socio-economic crisis, systematic transformations are observed in the sphere of employment and migration activity of the population. At the same time, the intensive growth of the agricultural sector, which has been observed in Ukraine in recent years, objectively requires an increase in the number of available labor force in order to continue expanding production. At the same time, it is precisely in the sphere of the rural population that employment problems are most noticeable, which lead to the outflow of the workforce and its gradual dequalification. That is why the study of issues of ensuring the growth of the economic activity of the rural population of Ukraine acquires special importance for the search for practical ways to solve this problem.


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How to Cite
Dziamulych, M., & Maksymiak, S. (2023). FORMATION OF THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE RURAL POPULATION IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (47).