Keywords: sensory marketing, neuromarketing, sensory system, tourist portrait, chi-square test, correlation


Today, the tourism market is on the rise, which leads to further economic growth. To expand the market and attract new consumers in the tourism industry, sensory marketing technologies are increasingly being used. To use such technologies, it is necessary to determine which indicators of sensations should be affected more, which should be affected less, and which should be affected simultaneously to enhance the effect. Based on the results of a marketing survey, the authors substantiated the feasibility of dividing tourists into two groups by gender: men and women, and also analyzed whether there is a relationship between the tour characteristics that affect different sensory systems of the tourist. To confirm the hypothesis about the difference in the answers of men and women, a chi-square test was calculated. The confirmation of the hypothesis made it possible to prove that when developing tourist products, companies should take into account the difference in the “sensory” portraits of the preferences of male and female tourists, segmenting consumers on the market for tourist services by gender. The answers to the questionnaire were analyzed, which allowed us to single out those psycho-emotional methods of influencing the associative memory of different groups of tourists by gender, the use of which in tourism will be more appropriate when influencing certain senses in order for tourists to make appropriate decisions. The calculation of correlations made it possible to analyze whether the effect on senses enhances the general effect of the application of several sensory marketing technologies. Correlation matrices showed a high positive correlation between the olfactory and auditory sensory systems and a medium positive correlation between the olfactory and tactile sensory systems. At the same time, in order to achieve the greatest effect when developing a tourist product, it is recommended to include in its composition all technologies and measures that can have a comprehensive effect on all five senses of the tourist. The results of the conducted research allow travel companies to form a “sensory” portrait of the preferences of female and male tourists, the understanding of which will allow them to better influence the tourists' behavior by evoking the necessary emotions and impressions from the provision of tourist services.


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How to Cite
Kulyniak, I., & Koval, S. (2022). «SENSORY» PORTRAIT OF TOURIST PREFERENCES: MARKETING RESEARCH. Economy and Society, (44). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-44-88