Keywords: medical industry, health care system, personnel potential, medical personnel, personnel support of the health care system


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of personnel provision of the health care system of Ukraine in the conditions of modern realities. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in today's conditions, many countries of the world, including Ukraine, are characterized by a tendency to reduce the number of medical personnel, which in turn negatively affects the quality of medical care and worsens citizens' access to proper medical care. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of personnel potential and the level of personnel support in the medical industry of Ukraine; comparison of the supply of medical personnel of domestic and European institutions of the health care system. The following research methods were used in the work on the article: analysis and synthesis, comparison; method of theoretical generalization; systematic approach and other methods. Based on statistical information and data of the electronic health care system of Ukraine, the article analyzes the staffing of the medical industry. In particular, the analyzed number and dynamics of the movement of personnel in the field of health care of Ukraine in 2020-2021. The analysis of the distribution of medical personnel by sectors of the medical system (state, private and departmental) shows that a significant proportion of medical workers in our country are employed precisely in state (communal) healthcare institutions. The peculiarities of the distribution of medical staff in terms of specialties and regions of the country were studied, regions with a higher level of provision of specialists in certain specialties, as well as regions with a shortage of qualified medical workers were identified. The main factors that determine the existing regional disparities in the staffing of medical facilities in different regions of our country are characterized. Focused attention on the comparison of certain parameters of the personnel potential of the health care system in Ukraine and other countries of the world. It was determined that the insufficient attention of the state to the needs of the medical industry and the accumulation of systemic imbalances gave rise to a number of problems related to the provision of the national health care system with highly qualified, motivated specialists.


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How to Cite
Sabetska, T. (2022). ANALYSIS OF STAFFING IN THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (40).