The article is dedicated to reviewing modern practices of stakeholder communication in the context of enhancing the quality and competitiveness of higher education institutions' products. The study aims to develop recommendations for communication between higher education institutions (HEIs) and prospective students, current students, and other stakeholders in creating and implementing high-quality educational programs and courses, ensuring their competitiveness. The authors employ the desk research method to highlight successful stakeholder communication practices at Lviv University, and statistical methods of analytical grouping to identify correlations between students' course selections and the fields of study they pursue. Additionally, the methods of analysis and synthesis are used to develop recommendations for effective types and technologies of communication with HEI stakeholders. The authors propose a typology of HEI stakeholders and provide examples of successful communication practices with prospective students, current students, and employers at various stages of the educational product lifecycle. The study of the experiences, challenges, and issues in stakeholder interactions at Lviv University forms the basis for the following recommendations to ensure their effectiveness: 1) for each educational product, it is crucial to identify specific stakeholder groups (from prospective students to employers) based on the product’s characteristics, as well as to identify potential competitors and the stakeholders with the highest level of influence; 2) when developing and implementing new educational products, it is essential not only to study the needs of external stakeholders but also to assess the readiness of HEI management to support innovations; 3) to maximize the impact of stakeholder communication, long-term planning is necessary to facilitate strategic alliances and ensure sustainable development.
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