Keywords: personnel, personnel management, personnel management system, martial law, training, motivation, communication, social responsibility, adaptability


The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of the enterprise's personnel management system under martial law. It analyses theoretical approaches of scientists to defining the essence of the concepts of "personnel management" and "personnel management system". The personnel management system includes an integrated approach to human resource management in an organisation. It covers all aspects of an employee's life cycle in the company, from planning staffing needs to developing and managing employees' career growth. An effective personnel management system helps to ensure that staff meet the needs of the organisation, increase their productivity and job satisfaction, and contributes to the development and growth of the business as a whole. Personnel management in martial law becomes a particularly challenging task, as it requires the development of new strategies and flexibility in actions, which is associated with specific conditions, such as danger to the life and health of employees, economic instability, restrictions on the movement and preservation of resources, all of which create new challenges for personnel management. War creates a number of threats that significantly affect work processes, security, motivation and communication within companies. Our research on this topic has shown that ensuring the physical and psychological safety of employees is a top priority, as the risks to their lives and health are increasing significantly. At the same time, companies should be prepared for the loss of part of their workforce due to mobilisation and forced migration, which requires new strategies for retaining and attracting labour. The main components of the personnel management system at enterprise, including subject, object, managerial influence and feedback, are considered. The general directions related to the development of the personnel management system are identified, which should be used to build strategies in this aspect. The challenges and threats that have arisen in human resources management since the beginning of the full-scale invasion are investigated. The author proposes own directions for improving the system of personnel management under martial law, which include training, motivation, communication, social responsibility and adaptability, directly aimed at the internal processes of the enterprise.


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