Keywords: trade enterprise, trade, competitiveness, globalization of the economy, trade entrepreneurship


торговельне підприємствоA commercial enterprise is one of the main types of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. Objects of trade entrepreneurship can be goods and other tangible assets, technical services and other related services. The research method was developed for the peculiarities of the functioning of trade entrepreneurship in the modern economic environment. In the course of the study, such research methods as monographic, economic-statistical, analytical and generalization methods were used. It was established that a number of positive and negative factors influenced the implementation of trade activities in Ukraine in recent years. These are, first of all, military actions on the territory of Ukraine, starting in 2014, and the full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, 2024. This had the following negative effects on commercial activity: destruction of warehouses and stores, disruption of sales and supply chains, lack of qualified personnel, low solvency of the population, reorientation of the domestic economy to a military system, inflationary processes, and others. Globalization changes in recent years also had a certain impact, among the positive factors - the simplification of trade with cranes of the European Union and other countries of the world, digitalization of trade operations. The negatives include the low competitiveness of Ukrainian trade networks, in particular wholesale stores, which cannot fully compete with the world's large wholesale giants. Such stores are a priority for the Ukrainian consumer due to the low price of the product. The analysis of the dynamics of the turnover of retail and wholesale trade activities of enterprises during 2021-2023 indicates that the economic crises caused by the KVID-19 pandemic and the invasion of Russia in 2022 led to a decrease in the turnover of trade enterprises. Despite the difficult economic situation of recent years, trade in Ukraine is gradually recovering and developing. The issue of ensuring the stable development of trade entrepreneurship in Ukraine and finding ways to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises on the world trade market requires further research.


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Valinkevich, N., & Kotsenko , M. (2024). FEATURES OF TRADING ENTERPRISES FUNCTIONING IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN CHALLENGES. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-4