Keywords: tourism industry, international agreements, international cooperation, economic development, martial law


Tourism appears not only as an important component of global economic development, but also makes a significant contribution to international integration processes. The purpose of the work is to study the current state of international cooperation in the field of tourism in Ukraine and to determine existing and future prospects. The article emphasized the importance and characterized the main forms of international cooperation: bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation. The most important international agreements and conventions regarding the legal regulation of relations in the field of international tourism concluded within the framework of the UN, as well as individual regional international agreements in the field of tourism, are noted. Special attention is paid to the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states, on the other hand. The years that turned out to be the most critical for the development of the tourism industry of Ukraine from the point of view of security (2014, 2020 and 2022) are noted. It was emphasized that there is a large tourist potential in Ukraine, which is confirmed by the number of incoming tourists in Ukraine in 2021 - the year when quarantine restrictions were in effect. It was determined that the main test for the tourism industry in Ukraine was a full-scale war, and the main reasons for the reduction of inbound and outbound flows in war conditions were indicated. It has been established that during the war, the development of tourism in Ukraine takes place mostly at the expense of domestic tourism in relatively safe regions of the country. A comparison of tax revenues from tourism in 2023 compared to 2021 by regions of Ukraine was carried out, which made it possible to confirm that regions close to the borders of the Russian Federation and those that are under constant fire from the aggressor are marked by the largest reduction in tax revenues from tourism. Further perspectives of research should be the development of short-term measures to support the tourism sector within the domestic tourism market, as well as the formation of proposals for long-term strategic plans for the future.


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How to Cite
Dolynska , O., Shorobura, I., & Binytska , O. (2024). INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND RELATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM. Economy and Society, (62).

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