The article is devoted to the study of directions for the development of bank lending to households in the field of housing construction in Ukraine in the conditions of the digital economy. The existence of a leading role of bank lending to households in the functioning of the banking sector, the financial market and the national economy as a whole is substantiated. It was determined that households play an important role in the functioning of the banking system, because along with the consumption of credit resources, they create opportunities for filling the banking sector with financial resources that allow expanding the financial potential of credit relations. It has been proven that bank lending to households represents a defined toolkit, the possibilities of which allow creating conditions for the possibility of using credit resources by households to meet their own needs. The important role of bank lending to households in the development of housing construction, which allows creating conditions for housing the population of the state at the expense of lending, is substantiated. The peculiarities of bank lending to households, which provide conditions for accelerated access to financial resources, the development of housing construction and form the potential for the development of the housing sector, are determined. Based on this, it was concluded that in the coming years of the functioning of the banking system, the processes of further digitalization of the national economy will play a key role in the development of bank lending to households. Directions for the activation of bank lending to households in the conditions of the digital economy are as follows: the search for innovative approaches to assessing the financial situation of households; new technologies for attracting funds to finance bank lending to households from the position of ensuring access to the necessary benefits using credit resources at the optimal cost; a modern policy of bank lending to households, which will allow offering unique digital banking products, which would create conditions for increasing competitive positions in the market of banking services; unique approaches to household bank lending policy in the context of digitalization of the national economy create conditions for speeding up and simplifying lending processes, which creates prerequisites for the growth of the household lending market.
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