Keywords: restaurant business, Galician cuisine dishes, local raw ingredients, dishes, cooking technology


Galician cuisine, which was formed on the basis of the interaction of cultural traditions of representatives of various nationalities living in Galicia, has a significant impact on the tourist attraction of the Lviv region. The article examines the concept of Ukrainian cuisine, in particular the cuisine of Galicia, taking into account the peculiarities of local products. An analysis of modern restaurant establishments was carried out, the peculiarities of the cooking technology of Galician cuisine were determined, the multicultural and multinational influence of certain historical facts on Ukrainian dishes was highlighted, as well as their possibilities for serving in modern restaurants. It should be noted that Galician cuisine, despite its originality, relies on local products and traditions. The results of the conducted research allow us to draw a conclusion about theoretical and methodical approaches to the development of cooking technology for restaurant establishments, taking into account the multicultural features of Galicia. Taking into account the current trends in the development of the industry, the introduction of innovations in the restaurants of Lviv in order to popularize Galician cuisine is insufficiently studied and will contain the novelty of relevant issues at the regional level, in particular of the Lviv region. The purpose of the article: substantiating the innovative foundations of the development of restaurants in the Lviv region, which are focused on the popularization of Galician cuisine. In order to realize this goal of the research, it was necessary to: structure the basic principles of the combination of food products by activating ethnographic, historiographical, literary and local history studies in the direction of finding Galician cuisine dishes; analysis of recipe composition of Galician cuisine.


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How to Cite
Paska, M., Svyshch, L., & Fuk, B. (2023). REGIONAL DISHES OF THE LVIV REGION ARE THE BASIS OF GALICIAN CUISINE. Economy and Society, (58).