Keywords: factor analysis, inventory, asset profitability, logistic indicators, retail trade


The scientific article delves into the examination of the correlation between logistic indicators and asset profitability within the retail trade sector, employing factor analysis based on the financial data of the Limited Liability Company "RUSH". The research specifically focuses on key aspects of inventory management and their impact on the financial performance of the company, using the case study of "RUSH". The study analyzes the relationship between inventory levels, production stocks, merchandise inventories, and asset profitability, aiming to identify key factors that determine the efficiency of supply chain management and contribute to the financial success of LLC "RUSH". Through factor analysis, the research reveals crucial dependencies and relationships among various indicators. It illustrates how the implementation of optimal logistics and inventory management strategies can positively affect the company's profitability. The obtained research results hold practical significance for retail enterprises, particularly for "RUSH," providing a foundation for improving inventory management and logistic strategies to enhance competitiveness and stability in the market. The analysis also extends to the broader implications for the retail trade industry, offering insights into effective supply chain and inventory management practices. By identifying key factors influencing success, the findings contribute to the development of strategic approaches that can be applied across retail enterprises. The practical implications of the research are emphasized, offering tangible benefits for businesses seeking to optimize their logistics and inventory processes. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of adaptability and responsiveness in the dynamic retail market. As the study is based on the financial data of "RUSH," the findings are grounded in a real-world context, providing a valuable reference point for industry practitioners and decision-makers. The comprehensive examination of inventory management strategies and their impact on financial performance enhances the understanding of the intricate relationship between logistical efficiency and overall business success in the retail sector. In conclusion, the research not only contributes to the academic understanding of logistic indicators and asset profitability but also provides actionable insights for businesses in the retail trade sector. The practical applications of the findings make it a valuable resource for companies seeking to optimize their operations, improve competitiveness, and achieve sustained success in the ever-evolving retail landscape.


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How to Cite
Ilchenko, N., & Voskanian, Z. (2023). FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF LOGISTIC INDICATORS ON THE PROFITABILITY OF RETAIL ENTERPRISE ASSETS. Economy and Society, (57). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-57-96