Keywords: competition, competitiveness, competitive advantages, management, economic activity


The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that ensuring the company's competitive advantages in the market of goods and services creates an opportunity for it to be the first, to respond in time to changes in the external environment, to adapt better than its competitors to the influence of negative factors of the macro environment. In the conditions of intense competition, the one who manages to obtain significant competitive advantages usually wins not so much from competitors as from consumers. The emergence of a company's competitive advantages under modern conditions usually occurs under the influence of many factors. Elements of the production and economic system (technology, personnel, financial resources, etc.) and elements of the business system (competitors and their capabilities, industry market, etc.) act as a factor or condition that determines the properties of an object or process. The article defines theoretical approaches to the content of the concept of competitive advantages of an enterprise and substantiates the main types of factors influencing their formation. A theoretical analysis of individual levels of the formation of competitive advantages in the conditions of a dynamic economic environment is carried out. The features of the management of the competitive advantages of the enterprise are determined, and attention is also focused on individual examples of the management of the competitive potential in the conditions of the instability of the market situation. This aspect is very important from the point of view of achieving market equilibrium of the enterprise. In addition, the elements of the formation of competitive advantages in the enterprise management system were determined. The above elements make up a set of means by which the company can influence its consumers, as well as provide an optimal combination of production resources. The main stages of the formation of the competitive advantage management system are considered. The methodological aspects of evaluating competitive advantages are substantiated, which made it possible to determine the main approaches and tools for improving the process of forming competitive potential.


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How to Cite
Khmurova, V., & Kulinich, V. (2023). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (57). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-57-17