This article examines the scientific and practical components of the functions' synergy of a manager, teacher, and doctor in professional medical education and medical practice. A feature of specialists' professional activities at medical universities’ clinics both in Ukraine and in other countries is the requirement for a synergistic combination of skills and competencies of a doctor, teacher and manager for the successful implementation of the strategy of the university's activity and development. In today's conditions of high risks, transformation of relations and communications, frequent changes in the legislative field and psychological space, the definition of management functions in complex professional activity is extremely relevant. The study analyzed the process of implementing the functions' synergy of a manager, teacher and doctor in medical education and practice on the example of ONMedU’s university clinics. A comparative analysis of the functions and success criteria of a manager and a doctor was carried out. Scientific approaches to the conceptual definition of the functions of a manager and a doctor are considered. The main problems and ways to solve them regarding the introduction of competencies' synergistic set in professional management and medical education have been identified. The conducted study showed the importance of developing soft skills among employees of medical universities’ clinics. For example, empathy and compassion, which are on the first place in the list of a successful doctor’ skills, are an important component of emotional intelligence - which, on the one hand, is part of soft skills, and on the other hand, it is considered as a key factor of their development. By the way, emotional intelligence actually stands out as an important component of a manager's success, too. Therefore, the development of personal qualities, as soft skills are sometimes named, can be called today a primary necessity for any specialist. This is especially appropriate for specialists of medical universities’ clinics, because in order to combine the functions of a doctor, teacher and manager, it is extremely important to manage one's own behavior and to develop the ability to effectively interact with other people.
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