Keywords: social management, social responsibility, corporate initiatives, international business, business models


The article is devoted to the study of social management as an important direction of management. It is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the development of social organizations, projects, and enterprises. The importance of social management and its key features are substantiated. In particular, such as social mission orientation, active involvement of stakeholders, responsibility to society, resource orientation, and the need to measure social impact are described. The importance of social management is substantiated by analyzing its key features. The article considers social entrepreneurship not just as a business model, but as a strategic approach to the adaptation of enterprises to global social challenges. At the same time, these enterprises voluntarily integrate social and environmental aspects into their activities. The main characteristics and principles of social responsibility of business are highlighted. The article emphasizes that authentic social responsibility intersects with core business strategy. It is essential for the sustainable development and competitive advantage of the enterprise, different from superficial PR initiatives. The key aspects and tools with which socially responsible enterprises implement their initiatives have been studied. It is emphasized that each of these tools is aimed at minimizing negative social and environmental impacts. As well as stimulating positive changes in communities and improving the quality of life and well-being of employees. The article discusses the relevance and significance of corporate social responsibility, highlighting the dynamics of this trend through the examples of leading global companies such as Microsoft, Google, Starbucks, and others. The main focus is on initiatives aimed at developing digital skills, increasing the accessibility of the Internet, promoting the concepts of "green" and paperless offices, as well as promoting employee education. Corporate strategies aimed at improving the social environment and stimulating positive changes in the community are revealed. It also highlights how companies that invest in socially important initiatives reap benefits in the form of increased positive image, increased customer loyalty, and improved reputation as an employer.


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How to Cite
Ohinok, S., & Kohut, A. (2023). THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MANAGEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (55).