Keywords: investments, investment activity, investment resources, agriculture


The article examines trends in investment activity in agriculture in wartime conditions. The changes that took place in Ukraine under martial law, the economic and political consequences of russian aggression were considered. The peculiarities of investment activity of agricultural enterprises, in particular the goals of investment and specific areas of investment are highlighted. The dynamics of the structure of attraction of investment resources by types of economic activity in 2018-2018 and the dynamics of capital investments in agriculture by sources of financing were considered (funds from the state budget, own funds of enterprises, funds from non-resident investors, funds from local budgets, bank loans, funds for the population for housing construction, other sources of financing). The performance indicators of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine (yield of grain crops; volumes of crop production: cereals, legumes, sunflowers, vegetables; volumes of livestock production: meat, milk; average salary in Ukraine) and their growth rates in 2018-2022 were considered. Specific factors influencing the investment climate of agricultural enterprises are identified (dependence on the natural climatic conditions of the territory, the need for state support and regulation, the need to invest in the social sphere and infrastructure of settlements). The integral coefficients of the impact of investments on the performance indicators of agricultural enterprises in 2018-2022 have been calculated. The state of investment resources of agricultural enterprises is analyzed and proposals for their effective use are substantiated (to improve the current legislative framework on investment activities; to find sources of financing to ensure the development of the needs of agriculture; to intensify scientific and technical developments and to pay great attention to the study of the relationship between investments and innovations; strengthen industrial and social infrastructure in villages). It is emphasized the need to be able to recognize the weak sides of the economic activity of an agricultural enterprise and determine the prospects for its further development.

Author Biography

Oksana Popova, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

The article examines trends in investment activity in agriculture in wartime conditions. The changes that took place in Ukraine under martial law, the economic and political consequences of russian aggression were considered. The peculiarities of investment activity of agricultural enterprises, in particular the goals of investment and specific areas of investment are highlighted. The dynamics of the structure of attraction of investment resources by types of economic activity in 2018-2018 and the dynamics of capital investments in agriculture by sources of financing were considered (funds from the state budget, own funds of enterprises, funds from non-resident investors, funds from local budgets, bank loans, funds for the population for housing construction, other sources of financing). The performance indicators of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine (yield of grain crops; volumes of crop production: cereals, legumes, sunflowers, vegetables; volumes of livestock production: meat, milk; average salary in Ukraine) and their growth rates in 2018-2022 were considered. Specific factors influencing the investment climate of agricultural enterprises are identified (dependence on the natural climatic conditions of the territory, the need for state support and regulation, the need to invest in the social sphere and infrastructure of settlements). The integral coefficients of the impact of investments on the performance indicators of agricultural enterprises in 2018-2022 have been calculated. The state of investment resources of agricultural enterprises is analyzed and proposals for their effective use are substantiated (to improve the current legislative framework on investment activities; to find sources of financing to ensure the development of the needs of agriculture; to intensify scientific and technical developments and to pay great attention to the study of the relationship between investments and innovations; strengthen industrial and social infrastructure in villages). It is emphasized the need to be able to recognize the weak sides of the economic activity of an agricultural enterprise and determine the prospects for its further development.


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How to Cite
Popova, O., Kotsiubynska, L., & Skubiii, O. (2023). INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES IN AGRICULTURE IN MODERN CONDITIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (54).