Keywords: innovative development, management of innovative development, information and analytical support, components of information and analytical support, information technology, analytical information


The article studies actual problems connected with information and analytical support of the process of management of innovation activity of enterprises. The topic of the study is relevant, since the reduction of uncertainty in the management decision-making environment is achieved by strengthening its analytical and information support, which is an important tool for supporting and justifying management decisions. The purpose of the article is to clarify the problems and features of information and analytical support for the management of innovation activities of domestic enterprises, to determine the prospects for strengthening information and analytical support for innovative solutions. The method of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of comparison, graphical method, etc. were used in the study of the problem. The study found that the indicators of innovative development of domestic enterprises tend to deteriorate. It was found that among the main problems of innovation activity of enterprises is insufficient information and analytical support, justification and management decision-making. The definition of the concept of information and analytical support of innovative solutions is clarified. The content and features of information and analytical support of the process of managing the innovation activity of enterprises are analyzed. It was determined that the information and analytical components are closely interrelated and complement each other, since the effectiveness of analytical work depends primarily on the quality of information support of the management process. A number of problems of information support of the sphere of domestic innovation activity are highlighted. The prospects of their solution both at the state and enterprise levels are outlined. It is substantiated that innovative development is a priority direction of development of enterprises in the period of post-war business recovery. It is concluded that a prerequisite for effective decision-making in the management of innovative development of the enterprise is its quality information and analytical support and further adaptation of regulatory legislation to European requirements, which will provide the necessary information base for analysis. Further research can be focused on the study of the problems of managing the innovative development of enterprises in the post-war period.


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