Keywords: marketing, business, development, environment, enterprise, competitors


The article examines the marketing environment for a trading company in the Kherson region. The aim of the article is to investigate and characterize the marketing environment on the example of the researched enterprise. Insufficient development in the field of marketing environment research and increased interest of practitioners determine the relevance of this issue and the need to address it. The influence of factors of the marketing environment on the activity of Enterprise 1, the external environment of indirect influence of Enterprise 1 by means of STEP-analysis is analyzed. It is established that the external environment of Enterprise 1 has a neutral impact on the activities of the enterprise, but at the same time with a certain bias towards negative impact. It is determined that the company does not have an effective system of motivation, the only manifestation of it can be considered a salary (bonus). Also low age and educational level of employees, which is a consequence of the fact that the selection system is very poorly developed. There is no concept of personnel certification as such. But, analyzing all business processes, we should not forget that Enterprise 1 is not engaged in high-tech production, in addition, even at the achieved level of enterprise development is profitable, ie performs the main function of a commercial organization - it makes a profit. Therefore, the overall level of development of internal business processes of Enterprise 1 can be assessed as average (neutral). Assessing the opportunities and threats of the company and their relationship with strengths and weaknesses, we concluded that with the stabilization of the economy and the use of opportunities to attract new customers weaknesses will have less impact on the company, in turn, such strengths as experience market, a wide range of services, lists, quality of services and flexibility of their provision, can reduce the impact of new competitors and increase opportunities for expansion for the company. Control over the risk of reduced profitability will allow the introduction of a well-functioning system of sales of services, control over the implementation of services. The company makes the most of its strengths: the demand for services is growing by improving their quality.


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, N., & Zhosan, H. (2021). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (33).