Keywords: city, industrial waste, management, institutions, investments, innovations


The article examines the issues of industrial waste management of the city. The relevance of the study is determined by the negative impact of industrial waste on the environment, the deterioration of the ecological situation and the creation of uncomfortable conditions for the life of the population. The methods of cognition were used for the study: analysis and synthesis, comparison, analogy, logical generalization, and a systematic approach. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for taking into account institutional, investment and innovative aspects in the formation of solutions for the management of industrial waste in the city. The process of industrial waste management in the city is characterized from the functional and situational points of view. The main participants in the process of industrial waste management in the city have been identified. The assessment of the state of the institutional environment in the city is carried out and the directions of its improvement for the management of industrial waste are presented. The investment support of industrial waste management projects has been analyzed and developed to increase their attractiveness for investors. The necessity of including an innovative component in the process of industrial waste management is substantiated and its social significance is emphasized. A methodological approach to the formation of a cluster for the processing of industrial waste is proposed using the example of blast-furnace slag. Within the framework of the cluster, interaction is carried out according to the type of "triple helix" between the state, science and business. At the same time, an institutional environment is created within the cluster, which ensures cooperation between the participants in the process of production, processing and use of industrial waste. Investment attractiveness is achieved through transparency, information accessibility, as well as the provision of benefits and preferences to investors. Within the framework of the cluster, its participants make and implement design solutions for the processing of industrial waste. This creates the prerequisites for solving the problems of sustainable development of the city, including saving local resources, maintaining ecological balance, improving the living conditions of the population. Further research is required on the organization of public participation in the processes of industrial waste management within the cluster.


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How to Cite
Melnykova, M., Shkrygun, V., & Khazanova, N. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE IN THE CITY: INSTITUTIONS, INVESTMENTS, INNOVATIONS . Economy and Society, (33).