Keywords: crisis management, economic stability, pandemic COVID-19, crisis management system


The article is devoted to defining the essence and content of the category "crisis management" as a tool to ensure the economic stability of the enterprise, which operates in crisis conditions caused by the pandemic COVID-19. It is established that the presence of crises affecting both industries and sectors of the economy, as well as individual enterprises necessitate the development and application of exceptional management approaches to ensure timely start of the fight against crisis processes in the enterprise to maintain and restore economic stability. The most common definitions of anti-crisis management of the enterprise of well-known authors and scientists on various aspects of economic activity and scientific works are considered. A system of anti-crisis management of economic stability of the enterprise is proposed, which allows the enterprise to react in time to any changes in the external environment. The author's definition of anti-crisis management of economic stability of the enterprise is given, the essence of which is as follows: anti-crisis management of economic stability of the enterprise is a system of methods and techniques used at the enterprise to develop measures to overcome crises, minimize negative consequences and foreign policy and restoration or increase of economic stability It is determined that anti-crisis management of economic stability of the enterprise on the one hand, is characterized as a generalized concept, which means a new direction of management science. - it is interpreted as a process that is a set of forms and methods of anti-crisis procedures for a particular enterprise in order to maintain its economic stability. Considering the terminology and many scientific articles, summarizing and analyzing different opinions and definitions of well-known authors and researchers from a different angle, it was concluded that the study of crisis management involves analysis and consideration of all factors influencing the conditions of sustainable economic development. It is established that the effectiveness of crisis management of economic stability of the enterprise depends on the complexity and completeness of its use, the organization of interaction of all elements of the management system.


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How to Cite
Birbirenko, S., Orlov, V., & Mokrukha, N. (2021). A CRISIS MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL TO ENSURE THE ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE CONVENTION OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (33). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-33-72