The article considers the dynamics of hotel enterprises of Ukraine for the period from 2018 to 2020. The study used statistical materials in all regions of Ukraine, which are grouped into separate performance indicators, namely: the number of collective accommodation and places in collective accommodation and rooms in hotels and similar accommodation, the number of persons in collective accommodation, the number of overnight stays of persons in collective accommodation by region. Trends in the dynamics of hotel enterprises are a reflection of a number of problems that exist in this area, first of all they include: the lack of structure in the hotel; sufficient capacity of the hotel base; low load on the digital fund; a small number of registered companies; old material and technical bases of hotels; lack of a clear legislative definition of the activities of hotels subject to divisions, the problem of liquidation of real estate for hotel development, adequate expansion of the international and national hotel network in Ukraine, etc. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of development of hotel enterprises and identify features in this development. The current state of economic reform, the growing influence of external factors on the effectiveness of hospitality depends on the state and characteristics of development in this area, encourages new organizational decisions and actions to ensure long-term competitive existence. Today the hotel industry is one of the most important industries in Ukraine. The hotel industry is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Ukrainian economy. This is especially important for the development of the hotel industry. These include tourism, transport, trade, food, insurance, culture and the arts, architecture and design, services and advertising. In addition, the active development of this industry will create new jobs. Budget revenues are important for the development of Ukraine's hospitality economy to create a positive tourism image of regions and countries in general. Despite the problems faced by Ukrainian hotels in competition. Today, hotels should fight "under the sun" if possible. In Ukraine, the hospitality industry is developing slowly, the value of the business is growing every year, and the business itself needs to respond quickly to the hotel industry. This requires studying the potential and prospects of creating national and international hotel chains in the country.
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